MATTACHINE SOCIETY has entered its second decade of service. From the original Mattachine Foundation which was founded in 1950 at Los Angeles, the present non-profit incor porated membership organization was formed in 1953 and granted its present charter by the State of California in 1954. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS is located at 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, Calif., telephone EXbrook 7-0773. A fulltime staff, including the Secretary General, the Director of Legal Affairs, Publications Director and Editor of Mattachine Review handle the daily business affairs of the organization and its magazine.

BRANCH OFFICES of the Society are located in several large cities in the U. S. These offices principally are post office box addresses of local area councils, except in New York where an office is maintained at 1133 Broadway (zone 10), telephone WAtkins 4-7743. This office is open to the public on a part-time basis.

AFTER TEN YEARS of formative growth and development, the question most often asked of the Society is, "Exactly WHAT does Mattachine do?”



Here briefly is the Society's program, told in terms of what has actually been done and what is being done today:


PUBLICATIONS. The monthly MATTÄCHINĘ REVIEW (estab lished in 1954, and published continuously since 1955) cir culates into every state and some 18 foreign countries. In addition it is sold on a limited number of newsstands in some large cities-New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cleveland, Dallas, etc. It contains articles from professionals in scientific and academic fields, from students of sexology and from laymen. Each issue is made up of significant fact and opinion, comment on changing sexual attitudes, book reviews, news reports and letters from readers. Subscription rate is $5. per year in U. S., $6 foreign, mailed in plain sealed envelope. INTERIM is a national news quarterly published by the Soc iety for its members. It also circulates to certain public agen cies and other organizations and publications in the sexological education and research fields. (No subscription price; in cluded with membership.



MATTACHINE SEMINAR SERIES and MATTACHINE REVIEW REPRINTS are two additional series of booklets now being published from time to time. These are paperbound booklets produced in standard page size format which are valuable additions to any sexological library. Subject material comes from the periodic MATTACHINE SEMINARS conducted by the oper ating project departments of the Society, from special collections of articles published in the past by MATTACHINE REVIEW, and transcripts of legal scientific papers presented at various times before groups in the Society.

Special PubliCATIONS cover a variety of subjects and purposes. Now in circulation is the EDUCATIONAL HANDBOOK, (64 P., $1) a compendium of organizational projects and techniques, highly useful for students of sexology, for branch units of the Society, and for anyone interested in preparing any program on sex education. Also issued are: a booklet, "Mattachine Society Today," (24 p., 25¢) published in several editions since 1953, which tells the general structure, aims and principles, brief history, and operating program of Mattachine Society; "Constitution and By-Laws," (16 p., 25¢) a bookler containing the latest revised versions of these doc uments; "Annual Publications Catalog," (16 p., free) listing thumbnail contents and illustrating covers of previous issues of the REVIEW, and describing other Mattachine Publications, which include several folders and brochures, etc.

MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS are issued by most area council units of the Society on an annual subscription basis ($1.50 per year). These describe local activities and report local events of interest to members and friends of the Society. (Inquiries should be addressed to the local area council concemed.)


THE MATTACHINE PROGRAM is based primarily upon education: First, directed to the public at large, providing unbiased, factual information about the true aspects of human sexual be havior, and second to sexual variants (and not homosexuals alone) to aid them in achieving self acceptance and adjust ment to provide for maximum productivity, happiness and res ponsibility as citizens. Several principal projects, in addition to the publications mentioned above, seek to accomplish these goals:

PUBLIC DISCUSSION FORUMS. These are held frequently under sponsorship of active Area Councils. Speakers from scientific and academic fields, law enforcement, and public agencies andofficials concerned with socio-sexual problems are featured.

GROUP DISCUSSION PROGRAMS. Sponsored by Area Councils and held generally under the supervision of a trained leader or therapist. These small groups are primarily concerned with individual problems and serve a therapeutic function for all present.


MATTACHINE SEMINAR SERIES. A series of annual programs sponsored by the various operating departments of the Society. Panel discussions, dinner speakers, etc. on public questions of concern to the particular department sponsoring the event. Fields covered include public relations, publications, research, social service, education, legal and legislative affairs, censorship.

LIBRARIES. Mattachine has a main library at San Francisco with 1000 volumeson sexological subjects (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, biography, reference, etc.) plus an equal number of